Health Guarantee

1. You have one week (7 days) from the date the puppy leaves Tanya’s home and goes to live with you to take your puppy to a licensed Veterinarian of your choice. If the puppy is found to have a contagious disease, illness or parasite, Tanya will provide you with reimbursement of customary veterinary bills that are accrued in treating the said condition. 

2. If, within the first 2 years of the puppies life, he/she is found to have a genetic/congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the wellbeing/health of the dog, you will be eligible for a full refund of your purchase price or repayment of veterinary costs accumulated to care for the condition up to the purchase price paid for the puppy. To be eligible for this refund You will need to contact Tanya within one month of discovering that the puppy has such a diagnosis. In addition, you will need to provide a second licensed veterinary evaluation that confirms the diagnosis. Both veterinary evaluations will need to be submitted to Tanya, and will need to agree, with-in one month of the diagnosis. 

3. This health guarantee is just that: A HEALTH guarantee. 

a. It is NOT a warranty for refund surrounding concerns about personality, temperament or behavioral issues such as chewing, digging or potty training difficulties. 

b. It will not be honored if the puppy fails to meet specific breed standards such as height or weight, or if the puppy has other aesthetic “failures.” 

c. It does not cover accidents that result in injury to the puppy 

d. It will not reimburse you for costs you attain in having genetic testing done 

e. It will not cover the cost of routine veterinary care 

f. It does not address or cover concerns relating to allergies and or skin problems, thyroid disorders, GI problems, or any other ‘disease’ or ‘condition’ that is not strictly hereditary in nature. Many illnesses in dogs (and people) are caused by diet and environment and are therefore within your control. 


1. Your puppy must visit a licensed Veterinarian within 7 days of being placed in your care. This visit will need to be able to be documented. 

2. Your puppy must be kept up to date on vaccines year to year and have annual veterinary care that can be documented 

3. You puppy needs to remain on a healthy and appropriate diet such as what I have included in your starter supplies. 

4. Your puppy needs daily exercise. Being small dogs they do not need much exercise but a walk between 1-2 miles at least a couple times a week and play time to include cardio is good for your dog in several ways. Please do not fail to provide this stimulation just because your dog is small and mostly happy as a lap dog.

5. Your female puppy will need to spayed by the time she turns two years of age, preferably not before her first heat cycle. This will need to be able to documented. You puppy must not become pregnant if you desire to keep this health guarantee in effect. If your dog does become pregnant or is not spayed in a timely manner the health guarantee I provide you become void. If you neuter your male dog before the dog is two years old the health guarantee will be void. I recommend waiting until they are three years old though.